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Koi Coloring Brush Pen, Yellow Green

Brand: Sakura
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UPC: 084511393240
EAN: 084511393240
Added: Sept. 2018

CategoriesColoring Brush PensPens


Koi Watercolor products from Sakura are perfect for capturing moments on the go. The compact and lightweight Sketch Box and Studio Set are ideal for outdoor landscapes and illustrations. The Koi CAC Watercolors feature unique colors and effects for one-of-a-kind projects, including vibrant fluorescent hues, shimmering metallics, and pearlescent shades. With a wide range of color options, including metallics and fluorescents, the Koi watercolor sets provide stunning effects for your art projects.

Coloring your artwork is easy, anywhere, anytime with the no-mess, dye-based, Koi Coloring Brush pens! These pens perform similar to an artist brush. Make fine, medium or bold brush strokes just by changing the amount of pressure to the nib. The durable tip will quickly spring back to its original shape! The odorless, water-based solvent facilitates smooth blending and layering of colors.

Koi Coloring Brushes are a convenient way to add vibrant color to any sketch, journal, cartoon, illustration, or rubber stamps. The 48 transparent ink colors blend easily to create a multitude of hues and effects. Use the colorless blender pen to create seamless washes and color gradations.


  • Illustration
  • Journaling
  • Sketching
  • Rubber stamping
  • Architectural drawings
  • Manga/comic art